Dr, Nazeer Shaikh

Dr. Nazeer Shaikh is a ENT Specialist practicing in Hyderabad. You can book an appointment with Dr. Nazeer Shaikh by calling.

What does an ENT specialist do?

Ear, nose and throat specialists, also called ENTs, ENT doctors and otolaryngologists, specialize in otolaryngology (pronounced ō-tō-la-rÉ™n-gä-lÉ™-jÄ“). Otolaryngologists diagnose, manage and treat disorders of the head and neck, including the ears, nose throat, sinuses, voice box (larynx) and other structures.


ENT Specialists

Contact Details

+92 03012670028



Opp Nehro Port, Qasimabad Naseem Nagar Chowk, Qasimabad, Hyderabad.


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