Dr. Azam Hussain Yousifani

Category: ENT Consultants;
Degrees: F.R.S., (M), F.A.C.S, F.I.C.S, D.L.O, M.C.P.S;
Specialization: Ear Neck Throat Surgeon;
Contact: 022-2612026 - 022-3620690


Dr. Azam Hussain Yousifani is an Otorhinolaryngologists (also known as otolaryngologists or ear, nose and throat or ENT Surgeons) are surgical specialist who diagnose, evaluate and manage a wide range of diseases of the head and neck, including the ear, nose and throat regions.


ENT Specialists


F.R.S., (M), F.A.C.S, F.I.C.S, D.L.O, M.C.P.S

Contact Details

+92 (22) 2781353



2-jehan Plaza, Main Doctor Lane, Saddar, Hyderabad.


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